From our friends at Mashable:
Have you ever tried to open a file only to be stymied because you have to download software or even upgrade the latest changes to it? I know I have and it is a royal pain. Zamzar offers a handy tool to convert text, audio, video formats into a format you can open. Simply upload the file, tell them what format you want it converted to and they e-mail the finished copy to you. That’s cool 🙂 is offering easy to use way to share files in the cloud. It’s free so long as what your storing is temporary which makes it good for quick transfers that regular email can’t handle.
Ninite offers a quick and easy way to re-install all the applications, from browsers to messaging and more, that you use regularly. Just check off all the browsers, readers and media players you use and it downloads them via an automated installer. It even eliminates all the extra crap that generally comes along with a single install. Now I like that idea because I have no need for a half-million tool bars on my desktop.
LucidChart offers a free (up to 2 users) way to create impressive charts, diagrams, and graphs that you can draw online. You can create flowcharts, wire-frames, network diagrams and more. I plan to start using this one regularly.
I used to have a copy of special characters on the side of my file cabinet so I could remember which alt key combos I needed to use to create whatever character I needed. Now I can go to copypastecharacter and just simply copy and paste what I need.
Hope the above prove to be useful. If you have more, let me know and I will post them here.
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